A Private Spa of Elite Therapies

Every session is guided and programmed, do nothing but relax, we got this!


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All Sessions are a program of body work, sauna, ice, Impulse pemf, red light and hyperbaric oxygen therapies.


“Balanced Duality: Where Contrast Creates Balance”

A holistic and personalized approach to improving longevity.

At every session, you will complete a personalized protocol involving manual therapy that targets myofasical and joint restrictions, contrast therapy of hot and cold to detoxify the body, hyperbaric oxygen therapy to accelerate tissue healing, and breath work and meditation to improve stress management and lung capacity.

Whether your goals are to lose weight, improve fitness and mobility, detoxify the body, gain stress management techniques, or reduce pain and discomfort, Northwest Elite has the tools for you.

Elite Therapy Spa

At Northwest Elite, you gain access to state-of-the-art therapy services in a private setting with one-on-one care that is otherwise inaccessible, over-booked, or restricted to expensive clinics.


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We will walk you through each therapy and design a recovery protocol specific to your needs.


Personal Manual Therapist


Impulse PEMF

SuperHuman Protocol


Brain to Body Nerve Connection

Breath work and Meditation

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

NIR/FIR Red Light

Fascial Distortion Therapy

Contrast Therapy

Chromo Therapy

Halo Therapy

Improve your quality of life.

Schedule a free 10-minute consultation over the phone to help you decide if a personalized protocol is right for you. You’ll have the opportunity to get direct answers to all of your questions.