Chromo & Halo Therapy

Health and Harmony

Chromotherapy is the application of visible light, the color spectrum, to aid in tissue regeneration and healing by influencing the frequencies and vibrations in the body. 


Also known as “light therapy,” the absorption of different colors adjusts the bodies vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony.

  • Depending on the wavelength of the color,  research has shown that chromotherapy aids in accelerating wound healing, promoting healing of tissues, reducing inflammation, reducing stress and anxiety, as well as mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Mindset is one of the single most important health factors that is entirely overlooked. With reduced mental stress, there is less cortisol in the athlete allowing for increased healing, reduced fatigue, and accelerated recovery.

    • Red - stimulation, warmth, energy, & collagen production

    • Yellow - clarity, happiness, neuromuscular tone, blood & digestion

    • Green - peaceful, cooling, reduce swelling in joints and tissues, calms the nervous system, & mental relaxation

    • Blue - relaxation, inner strength, stimulates the parasympathetic system, reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate

    • Purple - self awareness, meditation, neutralizing emotional wounds, promotes spiritual growth

Azeemi ST, Raza SM. A critical analysis of chromotherapy and its scientific evolution. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005;2(4):481-488. Doe:10.1093/ecam/neh137


Halo Therapy


Halo therapy is a holistic and drug-free therapeutic method to improve respiration, reduce inflammation in the lungs, increase lung capacity, and improve cardiovascular function.

  • Also known as dry salt therapy, halo therapy is applied in an enclosed space by a halo generator where tiny salt particles are released into the air and inhaled into the respiratory system. Using the salt’s natural anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, the deep pockets of the lungs called alveoli are cleansed through negative ionization, release of toxins, breaking up mucus, and resulting in open airways with an increase ease of breath. For the athletically-inclined individual, halo therapy provides a range of benefits from increased lung capacity, increased ease of breath through nasal breathing, and improved cardiovascular function allowing increased athleticism with a reduction of fatigue and injury.

Lazarescu H, Simionca I, Hoteteu M, et al. Surveys on therapeutic effects of “halo therapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment” on patients with certain chronic allergenic respiratory pathologies and infections-inflammatory pathologies. J Med Life. 2014;7 Spec No.2(Spec Iss 2):83-87. 

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